Providing expertise in the delivery of exciting & fun opportunities
to learn & connect with each other & the outdoor environment
to improve health and wellbeing
Who we work with
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Thank you to all who have worked with us and supported us

Exciting News!
EDen's Forest CIC is one of your local community causes, that has been selected to receive extra funds from the Honley, Meltham Co-operative stores.

Our purpose is to support the mental well-being of our local communities through a variety of woodland-based programs with wellbeing and compassionate care at its heart. This funding will allow us to expand our service to include more activities, improve accessibility to our woodland site and increase opportunities for more people to enjoy our forest.
When you purchase specific Co-op branded products and present your blue Co-op membership card at the checkout, 1p from every pound you spend will be directed towards supporting local initiatives. From now and until October 2024, we would appreciate if you would consider supporting us.
Please designate Eden's Forest CIC as your chosen local cause. Cause ID: 85259
@Coopuk Local Community Fund @coopuk #ItsWhatWeDo.